Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Goodbyes and Hellos

Hello everyone!

Just an update! I am leaving Thailand next week, October 27th at 6:40AM and arriving in cold Columbus, OH the evening of the 27th. It will be a long 24 hour flight!
I'm flying Bangkok > to Tokyo > to Washington D.C.> to Columbus!
Please pray for safe flights, all my things to arrive, and good connections.

This week I am saying my goodbyes and preparing to leave. Thailand, and my friends will be missed!
BUT I am very excited to say hello to many people!

Continue to pray for peace as I transition as well. Very exicted about what is ahead.

All my love,

Anita Joy

Monday, July 6, 2009

its july!

Hello my faithful readers...i am not sure if there are any out there! it has been a while indeed. I am not the most faithful in updating my blog this year! check out my flickr photos for some updates on life here. I am currently going to school for hairdressing, and will sometime soon start learning some more thai massage.

If you remember to, please pray for our current Thai believers here. There is just a small group still, and it can be crazy for them as it is difficult to meet with thier scheldules. Pray that they would stay strong, and we would be an encouragement and support them as well. God is faithful!

I will be returning to the states on October 27 of this year. So crazy! Thank you for your continued prayers.

love and joy


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

catch up

Here is mixture of things and an update about what I have been doing in the last while AND what is ahead:

I have been meeting with my Thai friends, in all different places!

I traveled a bit, I went to Phuket with Candice for a retreat; so refreshing and encouraging.

I have been teaching English to the kids in Bang Phli, and tutoring a bit on the side.
those kids are so sweet.

The month of February I studied Thai massage. It was a great expirience, I was able to meet some really special people, while learning this Asian art. I will study in May some more, this as well as hairdressing. Studying these trades provide great natural ways to build relationships and love others. Currently everyone is on Summer holiday and so the schools are closed, therefore I will start in May when the schools open again. I am excited.

On March 30- April 9 I will be traveling to Northern India. I will be visiting some friends. I am really looking forward to this trip and returning once again to this place.( I lived there for a short period of time 3 years ago) Please pray for saftey and protection as I will be traveling alone.

Next week, I will be moving to a communitiy called Nam Deeng. I will be living with another member of our team, Colleen. I am very happy and I have peace about this move. This will be my last move during my time here. :) Pray for a smooth transition.

At the end of this month and the beginning of next month 5 of our Latin team members will be leaving and returning to thier home countries. Pray for the transition among our team, and for the relationships that have been built between thier Thai friends.

Continue to pray for the light and the peace of God to flood this place. May his light transform hearts, and bring truth where there is darkness.

It is the hot season here, and it is warm all the time. This morning I awoke to the loudest, heaviest rain I have seen or heard in a long time. It lastes for a few hours. It was beautiful, there was even thunder and lightening. I Loved it. The soi connecting to Liket Jet was completely flooded, cars, cycles, everyone splashed and slaushed through the wetness. It was fun. The rain provides coolness and freshness, even if only for a little while.

Keep checking my Flickr site, as I continue to post pictures.


Friends, and some new friends at Thai massage school.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

a lovely visit

My parents came to visit me for two weeks at the beginning of January. I thought I would post a few pictures of our time together. We visited friends in my community, met with friends for meals, ate lots of Thai food, went to Koh Samet, a beautiful island for a few days, and did some tourist must-sees in the city. Overall it was a fabulous time, and I was so blessed! Enjoy the pictures! I also posted some more on flickr.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all! I most definitely miss you my family and friends this year, but I have such a peace and joy about being here in this place. Last night on Christmas Eve our team met and shared a dinner of tasty food that we all made late in the evening , followed by singing and some fun times. I am blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people. I wish you all God's peace and joy this Christmas. Lots of love,


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

lovely kids

On Sunday there are two groups of children meet with Aida and I in Bang Phli. We teach them English, give them sweets and snacks, and just love on them. It is a great way to build relationships with them and thier families, and it is exciting to see what new doors have recently opened. I will leave you with some pictures of thier lovley faces!

Friday, November 28, 2008

a computer, thanksgiving, and political chaos

I have a new computer...or so it seems. I have had some problems with my little trusty laptop over the past year. Problems such a it crashing, viruses attacting it, sound, and hard drive issues...and some more issues on top of those! But no worries...yesturday after several trips to the shop, some very nice people were able to graciously help me...and everything is FIXED! And so for little money, I feel like I have a brand new computer, that runs so well. I like it, and I hope that it lasts for a while. It is a wonderful source to connect with all of you back home. Although I do not have the internet at my apartment, I am able to go to a coffee shop close by and connect there with my computer...which is so nice!

The past few days the political situation in Thailand has escalted to higher heights. Whether you have been following or not, I do not want to go into detail, but within the last 2 years there have been a number of Prime Ministers in power, and the political system here has been unrestful. There is a lot of unrest betweeen mainly two sides, and as of now both opperating airports in Bangkok are closed, as they are overtaken with protesters. The future is unknown as to what actions or force will take place to bring resolution or change. We would appreciate your prayers for peace and safety in this place.

My family and friends, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving yesturday! I sincerely missed you all, and wish I could have been there to eat and chat all day. Yesturday was a typical day here for me, but nevertheless, I am extremely THANKFUL for all of God's blessings in my life. This year has been a wonderful year, and I have so much to be thankful for. I love and miss you all!

check my flickr site for some pictures as of late...including a visa run to Laos.